Complete the Strictly Business Quest, do various random events and quests, then return to Tenpenny Tower. Head away from Tenpenny Tower and start doing other things. Note: If the unfortunate above ‘Note' happens to you, there is a solution. Alternatively you can just kill Roy Philips, but that will not net you the Ghoul Mask. This is a damn annoying bug, and your best bet is to either kill or pickpocket Chief Gustavo, go around the back of the building, to the basement, and let the Ghouls inside. Note: Sometimes Tenpenny doesn't allow you to turn in the quest. Leaves Michael Hawthorne, Doctor Banfield, Margaret Primrose, Herbert ‘Daring' Dashwood, Irving Cheng, and Tiffany Cheng to talk with - although these give in to your needs without any trouble, and they might not even be important. She immediately leaves the tower herself. Tell her about the letter you found and she promptly kills her husband. Read the Love Letter from your Pip-Boy and locate Millicent, the wide of Edgar. Instead you may do the below right away, and Susan will be killed. Whenever Susan is alone in her room with the door closed, grab your Mesmetron and Slave Collar to send her over to Paradise Falls. Note: You may want to have started ‘Strictly Business' to make an extra profit. | Box x2,, but only attempt this when you're done with the quest already - Susan can be a pest at times. |ITEMS: First Aid Box, 3x Railway Spikes, Ammo Box x2, First Aid | |HOW TO UNLOCK: Speak to Gustavo and/or Roy Philips at Tenpenny Tower.